Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pretend play

Pretend play is HUGE in the world of autism. Either your child never grasps the concept or is extremely slow at picking it up. Benjamin is one of the lucky ones that has fully grasped the concept and it is so amazing to watch. He has done bits and pieces of it in the past couple of months, but not with any regularity. About five weeks ago he came up to me with a strawberry on the end of his finger and said "it's a pop". He calls popsicles pops. The reason why it's a big deal is because he knows that it is indeed a strawberry and not a popsicle. The significant factor is that he turned the strawberry into a pretend item. He was so incredibly pleased with himself. I actually have it on video and if I can figure out how to link it blogger then I'll post it.