Sunday, March 25, 2012

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012


This is the conversation we had when we arrived home from gymnastics this morning:

Bp:  Mommy, I wasn't strapped in.
Me:  Benjamin, I heard it click.
Bp:  I unstrapped it.
Me:  (in my most serious voice)  Benjamin, that is very unsafe and Mommy could go to jail for that.
Bp:  (in his most serious voice)  That's good to know.  But Mommy, I would come and get you if you were in jail.
Me:  That's also good to know.  I appreciate that.  But please don't do that again.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I know that you'll probably all think that I'm crazy, but perhaps not.  Maybe you've noticed this yourself with your own children.  When Benjamin was very small (less than 4), and a story was read to him about angels, he would comment that he liked angels.  Now, being a little skeptical, I would ask him what an angel was, and he would always respond with a description of their wings.  I'd ask if he saw angels during the day and he would always respond with "during the sunny day" (he still says this part), which means in the morning to him.  So okay, sure, why not see angels during the morning?  It's always been my favorite part of the day, and I really miss waking up early (completely well rested, mind you) and being outside.  But back to the story, the point is that he has always commented on angels, and has always seemed to know what they were.  I have no idea if he knows or has ever known what their purpose is in our lives, but he loves them.  And then a funny story...

So he loves reading out of his Bible.  I'm not even bragging about this because it isn't as if I have made huge encouragements for him to do so.  It's not ME at all, even though that would be nice if it were.  We have several children's Bibles, but one in particular is more of a big kid type Bible, and he favors that one the most lately.  It has 512 pages.  I know.  He will look at it for an hour if he's left alone with no distractions.  This is a VERY long time for him to do anything.  So the other night he wants me to read it to him before bed, and we get to one of the stories with an angel, and he says, "I wish I had wings."  And I was sort of paying attention, and sort of reading, and I said, "Oh, like an angel?"  The response was laughter and, "No, like a helicopter."  So part of laughed and part of me cringed because it was a signal that he's growing up.  There are reasons that God lets the very young see angels- they have no reason to doubt their existence.  He still loves to read about angels, but he doesn't talk about them anymore.  

He is growing up so quickly, and so many big kid mentalities are creeping in.  It's a bittersweet time, but mostly just sweet.  He sits and plays video games on his ipad, and says cool and awesome with regularity.  He wants to sit with Daddy and play his "fight man game" (which btw isn't like gruesome or anything, although the characters are a bit too shady for my liking) when he really should be going to bed.  We have pics of his birthday coming up! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012


B:  (said while pulling up shirt) My baby needs candy.

Me:  Well, babies like healthy foods like bananas and strawberries.

B:  My baby certainly likes candy.