Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sharing: a four letter word

How did we get to the age of three without major sharing battles? We thought that we were sooo lucky because Benjamin never snatched toys from other children and hardly minded when they played with his toys- even his favorite ones! We thought that he just knew that the toys were his and that the kids were only borrowing them. HA! How funny a statement is that? A toddler born having the ability to share. How hilarious.

It started about two weeks ago on a Friday afternoon. I picked him up from school and he was beyond irritable because he still needs a nap, but afternoon preschool starts at 12 and ends at 3, so that leaves no time for a nap. He could use one about every other day or every day if he nighttime sleep was less than adequate. So there we were, wrestling in the parking lot with each other (almost quite literally) and trying to load up to go home. I moved his cup from one hand to the other so I could snap the car seat and he screamed, "NO, MY CUP!". I sat for a moment and looked at him and sort of chalked it up to him being sleepy because he'd never said that before in the thousand times or so that I'd done the very same thing to his cup. All in the name of safe driving, I tell you. Sheesh.

The next Monday I pick him up and go to grab his book bag and he runs at me and yells, "NO, MY BACKPACK" and almost starts crying about it. I mean seriously, does the kid really think that I'm going to take his backpack from him? Yes, I think he really does.

He adores his friend Maddie who comes over several times a week. There are a few specific toys that are entirely off-limits to her now. Bless her heart. I'm thinking of just putting them up because neither one of them really understand that the other isn't out to get them. Benjamin thinks that Maddie is trying to take the toy home forever and ever and Maddie thinks that Benjamin is just being mean and not sharing. Sometimes it just isn't worth the arguments over silly toys. They do love each other and are happily content 95% of the time, so I think that is a nice percentage for two toddlers. :)

I'm not saying that preschool caused these out bursts, but um, yeah, I'm saying that they did. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and it is odd with us that it is happening much later than the normal age for toddlers. He's around more children at school and more children equals greater the tendency for snatching toys. Having said that, Benjamin truly needs social interaction with children. He needs to learn how to cooperate and handle social situations and that is something that I could never provide at home. I can teach him a million things, but learning how to make friends with peers is something that has to come from consistent time with other children at school. I would include church, but the children and time there isn't consistent enough for him. He needs to see the same faces and locations over and over.

So sharing is now a four letter word in our house according to Benjamin. I know, this too shall pass.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Autism, first signs and symptoms

Over the past 14 months, people have asked us why we "thought" Benjamin was autistic. After dealing with the grieving part of the diagnosis (and trust me, it is a grieving process for many people), and after fully acknowledging the diagnosis, we used to take that question with insult. With time, we have come to realize that it is actually a compliment to his therapists and all the time that we have invested into his well-being. Surely all those books I read were for something other than being more educated. Usually the next questions that people tend to ask are, "What were the first symptoms" and "Do you think my child should be evaluated?". I will tell you that even though I am an expert at Benjamin's symptoms, I am not an expert on all things autistic. I can explain why we originally had Benjamin tested and hopefully that will clear up some questions and/or confusion as to why we "thought" he was autistic when he was diagnosed, which was 21 months.

First off, I will explain the criteria and the testing that is involved. The testing is quite extensive if performed by an actual team of doctors. It genuinely takes a team of people to diagnosis this disorder (especially if your child is at a young age) and if you ever receive a diagnosis from a single person, please seek counsel with another practice. The team usually consists of a Developmental Pediatrician, a Speech Pathologist, and a Pediatric Psychologist. If you were referred to this team by another Speech Pathologist, you may not see that particular field represented again. The child basically is tested in the form of play. You can see an abbreviated list of the test at The actual list that the doctors use is much more extensive and takes about an hour or so depending on how cooperative the child is. Benjamin's test and evaluation disclosure took about two hours. If you have found yourself getting evaluated by your local school system (if you used their services for speech delay or any other delays), you owe it to your child to go and see an actual M.D. for further testing. They use the same types of tests, but insurance companies require a diagnosis from a doctor. Having said that, the school system will help you regardless of a diagnosis, but the world opens up to children with something in writing from a doctor. And when I say the world opens up, I'm talking about money for therapy- it's all about the bottom dollar with insurance companies.

Note that some of these symptoms were not immediately recognized by either Warren or myself. Also, please do not be alarmed if your child has similar symptoms in some of the categories, which are social skills, language, and behavior. Some of the symptoms fit that of autistic children and that of neurotypical children- it's the number of symptoms in each category of the test that makes the difference. The label of Autistic Spectrum Disorder is just that- a spectrum, which means that some children will have some symptoms, some will have most symptoms, or in the rare occasion, some will have all the symptoms. Some of Benjamin's symptoms are pronounced and some are barely mentionable. And one more thing, all autistic children have sensory issues, but not all sensory issues label a child autistic. Children with slight language delay or no language delay at all with strong sensory issues tend to get diagnosed later in their life. That is another topic altogether.

Okay, so on to Benjamin's symptoms.

Social Skills:
1. Failed to point at the given milestone. This can be from pointing to pictures in a book to pointing to objects that the child finds interesting. Benjamin hated being read to. He had no interest and would push a book away when he was old enough to do so. He also did not look at things when we pointed either. Apparently this milestone is one of the more important ones.

2. Failed to make eye contact at the appropriate level. Neither one of us realized that Benjamin hardly looked at people. This isn't necessarily like the kids that you see on television- it isn't as if his eyes were all over the place and he couldn't focus. He just simply looked at other things when you were talking to him. Benjamin would look at you on HIS terms, and this is where we missed this milestone because he would in fact look at you.

3. Failed to recognize his name. Benjamin would turn to look at you when you spoke to him at the appropriate milestone marker, but we later learned that he was just looking up at the sound of our voice. He didn't recognize his name until 24 months and didn't acknowledge his name out loud until 33 months.

4. We had Benjamin's hearing tested at 18 months because we thought that he might have a hearing disorder. His behavior seemed to indicate that he simply couldn't hear you at times. He scored well within range of all the categories, but he did score below average in the low tones. It is difficult to administer a hearing test at 18 months and it was hard to decipher if he was simply bored with that part of the test or didn't hear the tones. He has since scored average in that category. He could always hear normal voice tones though.

5. At 18 months, Benjamin would not play with other children. He would sit in my lap when exposed to other children and refuse to interact with them. In fact, if another child even spoke to Benjamin, he would cling to me for dear life, bury his face, and scream.

6. (I think this one is listed as social) Benjamin did not do pretend play. This is another huge milestone that we missed. I didn't realize that not pretending to feed a baby, or a bear, or whatever you ask them to do that isn't real is a big deal. I just figured that he knew it wasn't real and what was the point? Autistic children are concrete thinkers- they know the bear isn't real and that they won't drink from the cup. They don't understand why you want them to make a fake bear drink.

Language: Note that it isn't necessarily the lack of language, but rather how language is used once acquiring the skills.

1. Benjamin said his first official word at 12-13 months and that was duck. He met all of the milestones for babbling and actually babbled excessively as an infant. He passed the "mama/dada" milestone with ease. By the time he was 16 months, he had "lost" all of his words, and what is meant by that is he completely stopped using them. He started grunting and pointing at 19 months or so. We saw his pediatrician for an ear infection at 18 months and were immediately referred to the Speech Pathologist, who immediately referred us to the Neuro Developmental Pediatrician.

2. Eye contact is listed again under language skills, but it is intended to correlate with making eye contact when speaking. Benjamin didn't speak, so obviously this category was checked because he neither spoke nor looked at you.

3. Benjamin has always had a pretty voice. Even babbling at 8 months, people would comment on how sweet his voice sounded. Later, this would turn into the "sing songy" category and now he still responds better if you sing your requests or questions to him.

4. Once gaining the ability to speak, Benjamin would repeat words over and over. This obviously didn't occur when he was diagnosed since he had no words, but since then he repeats phrases verbatim and uses them out of context rather frequently. For example, he will come up to you randomly and say "Yes, baby?" and this is him repeating me after another time when he will come up and say, "Mommy?". He uses the same inflection in his voice as when I ask him a question.


1. Benjamin was an early hand flapper. We thought that it was adorable when he was an infant. We have it on video actually. He would get on his knees and flap his hands and laugh and laugh. This obviously made us laugh and laugh. Note that stereotypes about handflapping do not necessarily correspond with what you see on television. (again, bad tv!) The kids on tv who handflap do not look happy. Benjamin was always happy when he did this. And also, it should be labeled arm flapping because it actually looks more like they're trying to fly versus just flapping their hands.

2. Benjamin moved constantly. We said so many times when he was an infant that he had baby ADHD. Now this we most definitely knew was different because we had other children to compare him to. We thought that he was oh so smart because he was always on the go, always exploring, always getting into something. We actually had to hold his hands when he was an infant because him own stimulation kept him from falling asleep. He still falls asleep quicker if you tuck him in to where his movement is restricted. (We untuck him after he falls asleep though.)

3. Benjamin loved to line anything up starting at 15 or 16 months. Now people always try to dispute me on this one because everybody knows a child that lines things up. Okay, now, the difference is that Benjamin would insist that these toys be lined up in a specific order and would get extremely irritated if you rearranged them. It's hardly likely that a neurotypical child at 16 months would spend that kind of time and energy lining up cars. They all had to be facing the right way. Benjamin was very intense with this.

4. Benjamin loved to spin the wheels of a large truck. Again, lots of people dispute this one, but it is more the way that the child plays with the toy rather than the act of spinning wheels. He would almost only spin the wheels of the truck and not play with the entire truck itself. He didn't roll the truck until 25 months. That thought just never occurred to him, and it isn't for lack of seeing them being rolled.

5. Benjamin hated loud noises. The vacuum cleaner would send him into a panic attack. Seriously, he would run to you and act as if he thought that the vacuum cleaner would eat him alive. He still hates the vacuum, but now he says the word "noise" and has a disgusted look on his face. Sometimes he still cries when we get it out. Any type of loud noise still bothers him to the point past that of a little distraction.

6. Benjamin was completely oblivious to pain. He could fall outside and be bloody from his knees down and not acknowledge it. He didn't run to us for comfort or act like it hurt in the least little bit. (This changed later when we altered his diet.) We thought we had ourselves a tough little guy.

7. Benjamin did not know how to appropriately play with his toys. Regular toys held little interest to him. This is why he has a billion toys. We thought that he just didn't like the toys that we had for him, even though they were definitely age appropriate. Most toys just frustrated him because they wouldn't do what he tried to make them do.

The classic behaviors that Benjamin had that did NOT fit autism were:
1. Benjamin loved to snuggle and demanded contact.
2. He did not enjoy sustained play.
3. He did not display excessive tantrums. (still doesn't thank goodness)
4. He smiled all the time. He laughed, he had fun, he was always a sweet child.
5. He understood body language. You smile, he smiled. Mad faces would illicit tears.
6. His muscle tone has always been extraordinary.

Benjamin achieved many milestones incredibly early and Warren and I thought that we had ourselves a baby genius. He was very strong as a newborn and infant. He could hold his head up at 2 days for extended periods of time. He was an extremely proficient crawler at 5 1/2 months. He could roll both ways in a locomotion fashion at 3 months. He was/is extremely mechanical. He is constantly figuring out how things work and how to use one toy to manipulate another toy. We took the handle off of our computer desk when he was 12 months old because he kept figuring out how to open the door and turn the computer off. He found a pencil somewhere in a different room and went high tailing to the computer, stuck it in the hole where the handle used to be, and opened the cabinet. This was at 12 months I tell you! Things like that were just so normal to us that we didn't really realize that they were abnormal. There are just so many things that were unusual that we didn't catch until later.

Benjamin has been through speech therapy for a year and has made vast improvements. His diet is gluten free/casein free and that has made more difference than anything else we've done. So I hope that clears up any questions that you may have. If not, there are some awesome websites out there. One of the more in depth ones-

Monday, January 18, 2010


Belong at home. Please don't think that we all want your cooties. This is one thing that children really aren't required to share. Actually, I invite you to pamper yourself and the rest of your family to your own cooties. Have some "me" time with them regardless if you've earned them or not. It's okay, really. We won't mind this one time. Honest.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Let me start off by saying that we don't frequent Wal-mart that often, and especially not with Benjamin in tow. So the other day Benjamin was sitting at the computer watching a Thomas episode and he switched the screen to Facebook and pointed to the ad on the side and said, "Wal-mart". I thought maybe it was a fluke and I just looked at him and he said it again. I asked him where was Wal-mart and he pointed to the ad. That is the craziest thing, isn't it? He rarely watches any television with commercials, so it is doubtful that it came from there.

Somehow that place can get inside the brain of a child who can't read. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

A true blessing

Preschool is working out marvelously. Who would have thought? Benjamin now tells me to "sit down, circle time" and it is the cutest thing ever. EVER. I mean baby bunnies and ducks do not even begin to compare with this kid. (I do like fluffy animals though.) I was watching a video of him from over the summer and fall and it really hit me how many words he has now compared to then. We still get excited over a single new word like we're brand spanking new parents with their new baby learning how to coo and smile. I know that I say this often, but perspective plays such a big role in parenting a child with any type of special need.

Benjamin has one classmate whom I have never heard speak a single word and she is rather frail looking. I'm not really at liberty to ask the teacher what her condition is, but I'm assuming it's probably more than speech. Most of the kids at the school are at a minimum significantly speech delayed. Last week, we were coming out of the library to join up with the rest of the kids from Bp's class (All of the other kids ride a bus to school, but I'm just not interested in that just yet.) and she shouted "Ben!". And now we all know that we never, EVER call him Ben at home, but I let it slide at school. I know he'll probably go by Ben as an adult, but he'll always be Benjamin to us. His sweet teacher said that she'd never heard this little girl speak that loudly about anything. She said all of the children in the class just love Benjamin and they have all adopted him and that he brings out the best in all of them. Um, I'd give that a A for socialization!

Benjamin really is a sweet child. I have read many books on autism and the positive and negative effects on children. Benjamin has truly absorbed all of the positive effects and very, very little of the negative ones. I seriously do not know a more compassionate child than Benjamin, autistic or not. It is really rare to find an autistic child with compassion, empathy, and outward love for others. We are so blessed to have him as our child.