Last weekend, my neighbor and I went to several yard sales and I picked up a pair of rain boots for Benjamin. These boots are the cutest boots EVER. They are blue with a green stripe across the top accompanied by yellow embellishments. Now I'm not so sure if they in themselves are cute, or if Benjamin makes them the cutest boots EVER. He absolutely adores them! The left one, specifically. No idea why. He will bring me the left boot almost every time and wants to wear it. They are a little bit too big and awkward for him to put them on all by himself. He is fine with wearing both at the same time, but prefers to wear just the left one around the house. We haven't ventured outside with them yet since it is still a little too warm for knee high boots.
He actually prefers to do everything with the left side of his body. He pushes things with his left hand, writes with his left hand, and kicks the ball with his left foot. I'm weirdly excited to have a left-handed child.
18 years, a letter to Fred
9 years ago