I like a song with great lyrics. Songs that can come to life are the best ones- the ones that speak to your heart. It's not a secret that I like songs that you can sing along to, but when they actually have a meaning, it's all the better. However, I'll admit that I have sung "baby hit me one more time" more than my share. Anyway...
The song "Legacy" by Nichole Nordeman will make you think about your life and it's direction. Having children will change the way you view yourself and how you view the world. This song definitely makes me think of where I'm going and how Benjamin is helping me get there. Several of these lyrics are paraphrased and they are how I fit them into my life.
What kind of Mother do I want to be? I want to be one that leaves a legacy.
How will he remember me?
Did I point to God enough to make a mark on things? I want to leave an offering.
Will he be a child of mercy and grace who blesses God's name unapologetically?
Am I leaving that kind of legacy?
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best at such-n-such, but would it really matter if I didn't leave a legacy?
In the end, I'd like to hang my hat on something more than the temporary trappings of this world.
One day, if somebody asks Benjamin to describe his mother, I'd like him to say, "One that always put her family first... one that left a legacy."
18 years, a letter to Fred
9 years ago